Amaury Borges Souza

Monte Mor, SP


I started my career as a Support Analyst, and I have worked for several years configuring and maintaining bare-metal Linux servers. Then I’ve closely followed the arrival of virtualization in servers and later the containerization process. Over the years, I acquired new skills to work as a SysAdmin starting with Linux and Proxmox/Ovirt, and then Red Hat flavors like Satellite, Ansible, Red Hat Linux Enterprise. I also have worked with Terraform/Ansible for a few years, focused on Infrastructure as Code.

Last but not least, I love DevOps communities, and I have been helping many of them for years now, both as an organizer and digital creating. Got a project to discuss? Want me to speak at your meetup? Anything else? Let’s chat! DM me on Twitter @amaurybsouza_