Elevator Pitch
Many of us have met Jenkins during our carriers. Most of those instances could be described as at least dusty, full of ambiguous solutions not as simple to maintain as gitlab-ci or travis. I wish to present you ways how to try like Jenkins once again by using cloud solutions and automation tools.
Working with Jenkins could be a nightmare - that is true. Hell of manual configuration, combined with weird Java errors - that is nothing what DevOps culture dreams about. But what if we try to codify each part of this system? Is it still that bad? I will try to present you a manual on how to work with Jenkins without painful manual actions :).
I am currently Build Engineer at Egnyte, used to be DevOps and Java developer before and in each of those positions one of my daily duties was maintaining Jenkins. Definitely the presentation will be for people who already have some experience with Jenkins (and probably don’t like it) and know most of its common problems. From personal experience I have noticed that each MeetUp speaker is sad when has to mention Jenkins - my main goal is to change this by using this presentation. :)