Albert Kochaphum

Los Angeles/San Francisco


I currently work as the GIS Coordinator at UCLA’s [Institute for Digital Research and Education] ( At UCLA, I was one of the initial development team on the [Million Dollar Hoods] ( project. I also created the JaneMap, that was inspired through the BernieMap of the 2016 election. In 2013, I spent time in Beijing, China testing out methods for mapping air quality using Google Earth. Before then, I spent 2 years in Bangalore, India mapping slums for a non-profit, CHF-International. I also attended the “Mapping For Social Change” conference in India while encouraging my colleagues to use open-source mapping solutions like, Open Street Map and walking papers (now known as Field Papers). I embrace the motto of getting things done, but done right, and for research projects that usually means using open-source tools. In my spare time, I am designing my own board game about climate change.