Making a Drone by Python using RaspberryPi and Google VoiceKit.

By Lina KATAYOSE(selina)

Elevator Pitch

I will introduce the technique that I used to make a drone using RaspberryPi and Google VoiceKit by Python. The VoiceKit looks like making a smart speaker in combination with a RaspberryPy, but it can move up to 4 motors and servos with a simple Python code, too. And I’ll do a flying demonstration.



Allow me to give a short introduction about myself.

2.About Drones

I will explain drones simply in this section.

3.Possibility of drone

I will tell you about the drones ability and offer and explanation.

4.Description of RaspberryPi and Google VoiceKit

I will tell you about my tools and other ways to use them.

5.How to made it

I will tell you how to produce the aircraft.

6.Python code

I will talk about the description of the library I used.

7.Flying demonstration

I will try this time.


Drones are a gadget that has received much attention in recent years. Since they are able to capture images in airspace simply by flight stability which could not be done so far. Drones have caught the attention of photography and movies.

Also Drones have gained attention in fields such as delivery, focusing on sales of goods for mail order, such as delivery of relief supplies in the event of a disaster. Currently, cheap and stable drones have been released, and they have become easier for individuals to obtain.

However, in developing these drones, it is difficult for developers to arrange everything themselves. Drones from Chinese manufacturer (DJI) are famous worldwide and are very stable. Also drone research has been released, but the core system part is a black box. I would like to announce that I can easily make a drone on my own by using a Python program that can be completed with open source only by using easy-to-buy kits (RasberryPi and VoiceKit with Google) this time.

Explanation of the combination of RaspberryPi and VoiceKit, what kind of library is used and what type of code works will be provided. Also, I will explain how the aircraft was created. RaspberryPi is a small computer that runs on Linux. VoiceKit can be said to be the foundation to aid it. RaspberryPi’s Linux OS can handle Python as standard. I will pay attention to it and talk about how to write “take off”, “advance”, “reverse”, “hovering” “landing” with Python code alone. Based on this presentation I would like to present a summary of technologies for people who want to do something with IoT by Python.

Please se the following link for the VoiceKit with google.