Sustaining the Engineering Culture in Hyper Growth

By Ivett Ordog

Elevator Pitch

Uncover how an internal Bootcamp can revolutionize onboarding, preserving your company’s unique culture during hyper growth, while avoiding standardized pitfalls and fostering continuous innovation.


Why do new teams often repeat the old mistakes? In hyper growth phases, the valuable lessons of a core team can get lost, leading new hires into avoidable errors. Standardized ‘How we work’ training seldom translates into deep understanding, as true comprehension requires witnessing these practices in action. Moreover, rigid processes can stifle innovation, conserving ineffective practices and losing valuable ones.

In this session, I’ll unveil the story behind an internal Bootcamp I developed at a previous company, crafted not just to familiarize new engineers with our systems but to deeply immerse them in our core practices and principles. This approach ensured the preservation of our culture’s integrity even amidst rapid scaling. It’s a story not just about growth but about growing correctly. Attendees, whether leaders in burgeoning startups or engineers in expanding teams, will gain practical strategies for nurturing a vibrant culture at every growth stage, without sacrificing innovation to standardized procedures.


Talks similar to this one were presented previously by me, but this is a new improved take on the topic.

The previous version was voted second best talk at Clean Code Days Munich 2017