Jayesh Kawli



I am a Senior iOS developer working for Wayfair in the city of Boston. I work on Wayfair iOS apps on checkout team. Our team handles cart management, checkout, loyalty, and shipping part of the application. Before moving to checkout team I worked on the core and platforms team where I worked on app architecture, improvement in data and network layer and standardizing style guide for the team. I like to impart my knowledge to other people who can benefit from my skills.

I write a blog in my spare time. This mainly focuses on technical sides such as Swift, Objective-C, and Swift, but I also like to write about food, random thoughts, and personal hobbies. For me, it’s the medium to teach whichever knowledge I already have. I also love to work on side-projects. I have pretty active GitHub repository where I coded some of my past ideas.

I like to give technical talks as well. I have given few talks at my company’s bi-weekly Lunch and Learn sessions. I also presented “Speech Recognition API” talk at the local CocoaHeads meetup. Conference talks are a great medium to connect and socialize with people who share same interests as you.

Besides this technical activity, I read a lot. It’s my habit to read at least 2 books per month. The topic can range from fiction to management but I read for learning and entertainment. Currently, I am reading “Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist” and I already learned quite a few things about stocks and investment.

My Talks

Speech Recognition API in iOS