Sarah is a data-driven, process improvement, and true-agile convert! She has been in the agile and lean space for over 10 years as a team member, product owner, scrum master, and agile facilitator and coach. Now as a Director of Engineering at Rx Savings Solutions, Sarah is driving agile and lean values in the Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence teams. Sarah is a frequent speaker on both psychology and metrics in the agile and lean space.
My Talks
Black Holes and Revelations – Destructive Team Behavior
We all know that a team's culture can heavily influence the project. But did you know that the process can also be affected by culture? At some point, a team will face an issue of work going into a...
Busting the Blocked Column Myth
Software development mythology insists that a Blocked column is needed for the inevitable impediment. Why? Does it help our teams optimize process and reduce waste? I’ll show you how the Blocked co...
Release Planning with Confidence!
Release planning is in the center of the Agile Onion and is sometimes overlooked. When pressed for a release date or scope, the "planning" is often a best guess by the team and not always based on ...
What's Your [Agile] Faith? A Walk Through the 7 Stages of Agile Thought
The journey from “What’s Agile?” To “It Depends” closely parallels the spiritual path humans take as we grow into mature adults. The seven distinct stages go from trust to rebellion and then to the...