Elevator Pitch
From web engineer to iOS developer - joining Swift community transformed my career. Through try!Swift & events, I found speaking opportunities, built apps & changed careers. Now helping others start their journey. Discover how community accelerates iOS growth & why taking that first step matters.
Introduction to Swift Lovers’ Community # First try!Swift experience # First community presentation # Speaking at iOSDC # Networking across various communities # First App Store release # Activities as Swift Lovers’ Community organizer # Opportunities and changes through community involvement
With my experience transitioning from web to iOS development, I’ve personally witnessed the vital role of community involvement. As a current organizer of Swift Lovers’ Community and speaker at events like iOSDC 2024, coupled with my experience releasing multiple iOS apps on the App Store, I understand the technical and personal growth journey. Having experienced career growth through community engagement firsthand, I can offer practical, actionable advice to those looking to take their first steps in a similar direction.