Rubyfuza & friends 2024

Cape Town, South Africa October 17, 2024, October 18, 2024
Tags: Ruby, Ruby on rails, Rails, Javascript, Css, Html5, Elixir, Golang, Crystal, Electron, Docker, Kubernetes, Functional programming, Fp, Personal skills, Soft skills, Career growth

CFP closed at  August 10, 2024 23:59 UTC

The 2024 Rubyfuza & friends conference will be held on October 17 & 18 in Cape Town, South Africa. Started in 2011, Rubyfuza is still the premier Ruby language conference in Africa and has been attracting top local and international Ruby developers for ten years now. Rubyfuza does not only focus on experienced programmers, but also on educating and training new, young programmers, with RailsBridge and Coderetreat being amongst the events we’ve brought to South Africa for the first time. Rubyfuza is a great place to network with passionate software engineers, recruit top talent, and learn new and exciting techniques and technologies.

Rubyfuza has a history of attracting great international keynote speakers. In 2020 we welcomed Avdi Grimm, Ruby legend and Graceful.Dev maintainer. In 2019 we welcomed Piotr Solnica of dry-rb and rom-rb fame. In 2018 we traveled to space with Nate Berkopec. In 2017 we had Coraline Ada Ehmke, in 2016 Sarah Mei, in 2015 Charles Nutter and Aaron Patterson, all recipients of Ruby Hero awards. Rubyfuza is extremely proud to be the first conference where many speakers started their journey on stage. We encourage and welcome first time speakers to present to our warm and welcoming audience.

The event comprises of two days of single-track presentations (17 & 18 Oct). The organisers of Rubyfuza & friends 2024 are encouraging the submission of proposals for 25 minute presentations. Sessions may be geared towards non-expert audiences or focus on topics relevant to experienced developers.

CFP Description

Rubyfuza & friends welcomes first-time and seasoned speakers to come share their stories with our warm & welcoming audience. We expect ~140 software developers to attend, most of whom uses Ruby currently or have in the past. Many attendees could be considered full stack developers, it is just the nature of software development in South Africa.

The main conference happens on 17 (Thu) & 18 (Fri) October 2024 in the city center of Cape Town, South Africa. These two days are packed with plenty of 25 minute talks, and breaks to allow attendees to discuss & absorb what they just learned.

We’re encouraging talk submissions on various technical topics:

  • Ruby - the heart of our community
  • Housemates - the Javascript & CSS ecosystems
  • Neighbours - tools & platforms that keep our application running, like Docker, Kubernetes, SaaS, or many others
  • Closely related and/or influenced technologies - Crystal, Elixir and other technologies that were heavily inspired by Ruby & Rails
  • Further afield - found something useful and eye opening further afield? Come share

We also encourage talk submissions on the human side of software:

  • Looking after your physical & mental health
  • Supporting yourself & your teams
  • Personal growth stories, tips & hacks

Talks should be unique, personal & relatable. If you’re entire talk can be pieced together from a few README’s and StackOverflow answers then it probably isn’t a good fit for us. We favour tales from the trenches talks and stories that leave attendees enlightened, curious, excited, amused or even saddened.

Your talk will be recorded and published to Youtube after the conference

Attendees (4)