CFP closed at | September 30, 2018 23:09 UTC |
(Local) |
PyCon Indonesia is pleased to announce that the Call For Proposals is now open. We are calling out for speakers to share their Python knowledge (in the form of Talks, Workshop and Posters) which would intrigue the Python community at this event! We’re looking for proposals on every aspect of Python: from basic to advanced levels. We’re interested to see all content that’s interesting and engaging to the Python community, whether it be tutorials, case studies, interactive sessions, or even how you and your organization works with Python. So if you have something that the community might be interested in, let us know; and don’t worry if you’re a seasoned engineer or a novice with no experience of presenting at a conference before; what matters is the content that you’ll be sharing with the community
PyCon Indonesia is a conference where Python users, or people interested in Python, gather to learn from each other and meet other members of the community. We hope that everyone joining PyCon ID will not only learn new and exciting things, but also meet new friends and strengthen the connection with the community, and thus the community itself. This year, we chose “Python for Everyone” as our theme. The Pycon ID staff is continuing to work hard on making a conference that will allow everyone to have a great time and unlock new possibilities through Python.
CFP Description
Talks are limited to a maximum of 35 minutes, and may preferably be accompanied with helping material (presentation, document, etc). Talks could be on a variety of topics (for further details and inspiration, check out the next section).
Workshops, tutorials, and interactive sessions have a 60 minutes limit. For workshops, we encourage tutorials that can be helpful to the community at any level, whether beginner or advanced. Both time slots include time for questions from the audience, so please plan your talk accordingly.
Suggested Topics The following is a list of topics we’d like to cover in the conference.
- History and Evolution of Python
- Language & Features: e.g. meta classes, what’s new in v3.6
- Libraries & Frameworks: e.g. Intro to Flask, ORM in Django, Creating a Web App in Django
- Testing & Debugging: e.g. effective testing techniques, intro to load testing
- Python vs. Other Languages: e.g. CodeIgniter vs. Django, .NET vs. Django
- Python Paradigms: e.g. functional programming, multithreading, parallelism
- Applied Python: e.g. python & big data, machine learning, embedded systems, artificial interlligence
- Tutorials: e.g. get started with machine learning, data extraction, spam detection