PyCon MY 2018

Kuala Lumpur, MY August 25, 2018, August 26, 2018

CFP closed at  August 04, 2018 04:08 UTC

PyCon MY 2018 Call For Proposal

Date: 25 to 26 Aug 2018

Venue: Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya. (Updated)

Call For Proposal Period:

Start: 18 May 2018 End: 4 Aug 2018

CFP Description

Call For Paper for PyCon MY 2018

Important Date

Submit Date: 20 April 2018
Closing Date: 1 August 2018

Speak in PyCon MY 2018

We want YOU in our PyCon.

Share with us on your cool hacking, the Python-related project that you are working on or your experience on the learning journey of Python programming.

Topics for PyCon MY 2018

We welcome any Python related topics for the conference. If you can’t decide a topic for PyCon MY 2018, the suggestions below might give you some ideas:

  • Data Science/Machine Learning
  • Educational usage
  • Networking
  • Hacking/Cybersecurity
  • Python black magic or new features
  • System administration
  • Web related (not limited to Django)
  • Cloud/Container implementation
  • CI/CD, Automation, DevOps
  • Community / Open-Source talks related to Python

Python talks are generally 30 minutes long. Please note that the length of talk includes setup and Q & A time.

Talks can be given in either English or Bahasa Malaysia.

General Guidelines

In order to submit a successful proposal, we would like to share some guidelines to make your proposal strong and informative, hence increase chance of acceptance.

The criteria below are what we expect in your proposal:

  • Topic
  • Target Audience
  • Audience take-away
  • Your time slot organization

Your proposal includes:

  • Title
  • Category
  • Language
  • Abstract
  • Objectives
  • Detailed Description (optional)
  • Outline (optional)
  • Supplementary (optional)
  • Github page (optional)

It might sound a lot, but we encourage you to fill most of the field, so that the reviewer can have a better understanding on your proposal.

Some of the fields are for reviewers only, so don’t worry about spoilers:

  • Objectives
  • Outline
  • Supplementary

Proposal Review Process

The PyCon selection process generally begins after the call for proposal. After considering on timing and geographical aspect, we will have the selection process based on a ROLLING basis. If your proposal is interesting, we would like admit you early so that you have time to prepare, both presentation and transportation.

Selection process

As the CFP will be conducted through, there are few stages in reviewing your proposal:

  1. Stage 1: The reviewer will review and give feedback for your proposal.
  2. Stage 2: You review and modify your proposal
  3. Stage 3: The reviewer will review your modified proposal again and decide if you are suitable for the talk.

How to set target level

A good presentation is an appropriate presentation for a specific Python level and audience. Presentation on solving the performance issue by releasing the GIL when the C code block is executed using Cython to beginner/intermediate audience might not be appropriate. Conversely, an introduction to Cython or a description of a GIL is not appropriate presentation for advanced users.

In order to prevent such ambiguity in the definition of Python level and audience, We would like to offer you a simple guideline for those who cannot determine the target level.


The presentation topics for beginner level include the experience of learning Python, and the Python programming skills needed to become an intermediate user. The contents of packages other than Python native built-in packages such as SciPy or Django are not suitable for beginners.

Intermediate User

Intermediate user knows at least how to write Python program fluently and would like to seek for some advancement in writing Python application. Possible topics that might interests intermediate level, such as web framework usage, machine learning, web traffic monitoring, and automation.

Advanced User

Advanced Users are familiar with Python technology and well-versed in general programming concepts, perhaps in improving/optimizing the performance of python standard library, or might currently maintaining essential Python libraries.

Presentation topics for advanced levels include optimization, the internal behavior of the tool, or an internal implementation of Python, or the implentation CPython and PyPy in Python libraries.