CFP closed at | June 04, 2018 17:06 UTC |
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Join us for the second Non-Binary in Tech conference (NBiT), again being held at Goldsmiths University, on the 28th of July 2018
NBiT is a free day of talks focused on highlighting people who identify partly or solely outside of the gender binary, and work in the technology industry
The conference will be an accessible event that is free for all to attend, and will feature talks, panels, and networking.
We hope to see your submissions for what will be a magical day of speakers 🔮💻
CFP Description
The theme for this year’s conference is Magic, and while we’d like all speakers to include this theme in their talks and/or subjects, feel free to interpret this how you’d like. However, we do request that you remain respectful of faiths and practices that use magic.
We encourage submissions from people at all and any points in their career
We welcome both technical and non-technical talks that are relevant to the conference theme. We also encourage submissions from people at all and any points in their career. Our audience comes from a wide range of backgrounds, so please keep your talk beginner friendly 🔮
Your talk should be around 25 minutes long. We will not be doing questions after the talks.
Please keep the content of your talk suitable for under 18s. Part of the audience of this event will be made up of non binary folk who are interested in joining the technology industry.
All speakers for this event to partly or wholly identify outside the gender binary, if you are of a singular binary gender please do not submit a talk. However, you are still very welcome to attend the event!
We hope to confirm most places for talks by July. We will collect content warnings once talks have been selected.