NationJS May 18, 2018

Washington, DC May 18, 2018

CFP closed at  February 23, 2018 04:59 UTC

NationJS is the Mid-Atlantic’s full web stack developers conference. This NationJS, our eleventh, will be held May 18, 2018! Past speakers have included leaders in the JavaScript and web development communities like Ariya Hidayat, Jenna Zeigen, Domenic Denicola, Rebecca Murphey, Kyle Simpson, Lea Verou, Doug Crockford, Yehuda Katz, Rachel Nabors, Christopher Chedeau, Igor Minar, Kas Perch and James Halliday.

We expect over 250 developers to attend NationJS. So, this is a great opportunity to reach a large and influential audience of East Coast web developers, and have a great time doing it!

If you are interested in doing a full-day workshop the day before the main conference, on May 17th, please contact us separately at info at nationconfs dot com. We have hosted sold out workshops in the past, including Kyle Simpson and James Halliday.

CFP Description

Share your experience! Submit your presentation proposal to NationJS, the Mid-Atlantic’s full web stack developers conference.

Our scope of talks includes a broad area, anything in the realm of full web stack development (JS, CSS, Web Standards, NodeJS, etc. Non-programming topics are encouraged, too, provided they are of interest to our attendees.

Our audience will be members of the software developers community, mostly software engineers and practicing developers, technical team leads, web development project managers, etc. Fun topics are encouraged, so please feel free to be creative.

We would like all our presentations to be 25 minutes long, including time for questions and discussion. If you want a longer or shorter time, please tell us in your submission.

You do NOT have to be an experienced speaker or even an expert to present here. In fact, some of our best speakers have been people who simply had a very interesting experience or perspective to relate.

This is a conference for everyone. Beginner topics are welcomed.

Submit as many proposals as you like. Panels or multiple presenter proposals are fine with us. All of the accepted presenters will receive a free ticket.

We welcome proposals from everyone, and will evaluate each proposal on it own merits, regardless of the speaker’s ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, etc. We strive to be encouraging and inclusive of everyone in our community. Therefore, we expect all of our attendees, speakers included, to follow our code of conduct. See our code of conduct for the complete description.

Proposals containing overt marketing-based content will be rejected. Our attendees want to be entertained and learn from your presentation. A sales pitch will not get the reaction you want.

Please submit your proposal by 11:59 PM EST on Fri Feb 22nd, 2018. We might accept and announce a few talks before that time. We will respond within two weeks of the close.

If you have any questions, please contact us. You can email us at info at nationconfs dot com or tweet (or direct message) to us (@nationjs). Your presentation is important to us. We want to help you make it fantastic.

Attendees (2)