CFP Mobile Hacking Space

Buenos Aires November 13, 2024, November 14, 2024, November 15, 2024
Tags: Mobile, Android, Ios, Pentesting, Malware, Fuzzing, Mobile security apps, Mobile tools

CFP closed at  October 20, 2024 14:43 UTC

🚀 📱🔓

The Mobile Hacking Space is a place for mobile hacking talks, CTFs and workshops at the Ekoparty, which gathers more than 10.000 hackers from all over Latin America and the world.

Now in its 20th year, Ekoparty celebrates his conference at the stunning Centro de Convenciones de Buenos Aires again. The three-day leading conference (November 13-15).

Come join us at the Mobile Hacking Space!

🚀 📱🔓

Mobile Hacking Space es el espacio para las charlas de hacking de mobile, CTFs y workshops en la Ekoparty, la mayor conferencia de Latino América que convoca más de 10000 hackers de todo el mundo.

Ahora en su 20va edición, la Ekoparty se celebra en el Centro de Convenciones de Buenos Aires. Del 13 al 15 de Noviembre.

Veni y sumáte con nosotros al Mobile Hacking Space! Agradecemos a nuestro Sponsor Just Mobile Security ( por el apoyo.

CFP Description

📱🔓 CFP Mobile Haclking Space

🌐 Important dates / Fechas importantes:

  • September 02 - CFP is open
  • October 20 - CFP is closed
  • October 26 - Final notification to authors
  • November 13-15 - Conference Dates

Keys to be accepted / Claves para ser aceptadas:

  • Submissions without a proper outline, detailed description and complete biography of the author will be rejected. / Las entregas sin un formato adecuado, descripción detallada y biografía del autor, serán rechazadas.
  • Preference will be given to presentations with attached technical documents and a slide deck. / Se le dará prioridad a las presentaciones que tengan documentos técnicos y slides.
  • You can submit and deliver your talk in english or spanish. / Puedes enviar y presentar tu charla en español o inglés.


🚀 All the topics related to mobile hacking and mobile cybersecurity are accepted! You can submit talks on

🚀 Todos los tópicos relacionados a mobile hacking and ciberseguridad en mobile son aceptados! Podés presentar charlas en los siguientes tópicos

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Mobile app security
  • Reversing
  • Fuzzing
  • Tool reviews
  • Pentesting
  • Exploit writing
  • Static and dynamic analysis
  • Mobile malware and more!!

🎯 Be part of our Mobile Security Community.

📅 Be part of Ekoparty Mobile Hacking Space 2024. 📱🔒 Special thanks to our sponsors!

🌟Submit now!

Attendees (3)