CFP closes at  March 23, 2025 00:00 UTC

The goal of this activity is to create spaces where participants can share and collaborate on security incident management issues affecting the region.

In line with this, we propose that those CSIRTs that are in operation provide a brief update on their teams. In addition, a space will be reserved to identify possible topics of interest or common projects that can be addressed during the week.

The meeting is aimed at all CSIRT members attending the event, as well as at anyone who is interested in creating their own teams or who is in the process of creating a CSIRT.

The LAC-CSIRTs Meeting has two exceptional activity days:

  • LAC-CSIRTs Conference: May 7

  • LAC-CSIRTs Trainings: May 8

CFP Description

We are seeking colleagues interested in presenting during the LAC-CSIRTs Meeting on LACNIC43 (São Paulo, Brazil). Some suggested topics include:

  • Case studies and lessons learned in incident handling
  • Use of threat feeds for incident response, workflow, and policies
  • Practical security monitoring, threat detection, and analysis
  • Tools, trends, and security technologies in the LAC region
  • Cloud Security & Incident response
  • Incident reponse in the AI era
  • How AI improve incident response
  • DNS, IPv6 and routing security and best practices
  • Digital forensics applied to incident handling
  • Malware analysis, anti-virus evasion, etc.
  • Security and IoT
  • Impact of data breaches, privacy and data protection regulation on incident handling
  • Incident response tools, trends and security technologies
  • Security awareness initiatives
  • Effective security outreach and communication with decision makers, the public and stakeholders
  • Public-Private collaboration and collaboration between CERTs/CSIRTs

Attendees (1)

Speak at LAC-CSIRTs Meeting (LACNIC43 - São Paulo, Brazil)!
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