GopherConAU 2024

Sydney, Australia November 06, 2024, November 07, 2024, November 08, 2024
Tags: Go, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Kubernetes, Docker

CFP closed at  September 15, 2024 10:26 UTC

We are thrilled to announce that GopherConAU is returning for 2024, and we’re eagerly looking forward to the exciting insights, knowledge sharing, and the energizing exchange of ideas this event always brings to our growing Go community.

We are seeking original, thought-provoking talks that cover any aspect of Go, including but not limited to:

  • Real-world case studies on Go application
  • Go’s role in data science, machine learning or systems programming
  • Best practices in Go programming
  • Emerging trends and the future direction of Go

We welcome submissions from anyone, whether you’re a seasoned Go developer or a beginner just starting your journey. This is a fantastic opportunity to share your work, learn from others, and contribute to the continuous growth and evolution of the Go ecosystem. If you are someone from an underrepresented group in tech, we want to hear from you!

The Call For Papers will be open until the end of August. The full program will be out by mid September 2024.

Love, Chewxy and Katie

CFP Description

When does the CFP open, when will it close?

The CFP is open right now until the end of August

How long are the speaking slots?

All speaking slots are 30 minutes long.

Who should submit a talk proposal?

In short, if you’re interested in attending GopherCon AU, then you should consider submitting a talk proposal for GopherCon AU. If you’re using Go in a work, or hobby, capacity and want to share your experiences learning, using, teaching, advocating, debugging, extending, experimenting, proselytising, deploying Go or a product written in Go, we want to hear your story.

Will there also be lightning talks, how can I sign up for those?

We plan to offer a few lightning talk slots via in person sign up on the day of the conference. These will be on a first come first served basis.

How will talk submissions be rated?

All talks are reviewed anonymously according to the following review criteria:

  1. Relevance. The talk is relevant to the Go community. GopherCon AU is not a general software conference, our audience want to hear about topics that specifically relate to the Go programming language and its community.
  2. Clarity. You’ve clearly explained what you are going to talk about.
  3. Correctness. You’ve demonstrated knowledge of your topic. You don’t have to be an expert, but you are expected to be speaking from experience.
  4. Achievability. You’ve thought about how to present your material in the time available.
  5. Impact. The goal of the talk. What new idea, technique, tool, or knowledge will the audience leave your presentation with?

Each reviewer will give your proposal a score from one to five, one being the least relevant, five being the most. From there a shortlist of talks will be drawn up and the organisers will choose the final program.

Can I submit more than one talk?

Yes. If it turns out that we like more than one of your proposals, we’ll ask you to pick the one you want to give.

When will I know if my talk has been accepted?

If things go to plan, we hope to have the full schedule available by the mid of August.

I’ve never written a talk proposal before, where should I start?

Here are several links to blog posts on writing a strong conference proposal

Can you assist me with travel or accommodation expenses?

As a very small group of people organizing a conference our budget is limited, so we do appreciate if your company is able to assist with your travel and accommodation costs. Nonetheless, should you require financial assistance for travel and accommodation costs, please reach out and we will do our best to provide financial support.

All selected speakers will receive a complementary ticket to the conference days (workshop attendance is ticketed separately and not included) and an invitation to join us for a pre-event speaker’s dinner.

Attendees (2)