CFP closed at | February 28, 2021 14:59 UTC |
(Local) |
About Go Conference Tokyo
Go Conference Tokyo is one of the earliest Go conferences. We hold the event half annually, and the next one will be on April 24th, 2021.
Please find the event details on our super simple website.
- Dec 25th, 2020: CFP opens.
- Feb 28th, 2021: CFP closes.
- TBA: Open registration.
- April 24th, 2021: Go Conference Tokyo 2021 Spring!!
For speakers
Go Conference 2021 Spring would been held on online.
CFP Description
Important notice on proposal submission
The number of proposal submissions per person is limited to up to 3. If the submitter posts more than 4 proposals, we pick 3 submissions per submitter in time ascending order and don’t take other submissions later than that into consideration.
Talk types
We have 2 tracks* for talk sessions that includes both types of sessions:
- Long session: 40 minutes time limit
Short session: 20 minutes time limit
- The number of tracks may be changed.
Also we call for proposals for Lightning Talks and Office Hours.
- Lightning Talks: 5 minutes time limit
- Office Hour: Imagine “AMA (Ask me anything)” for developers. You’ll have 20 minutes spot for Q&A sessions on specific topics.
Most of attendees’ primary language may be Japanese, but most of them can listen to understand English.
Selection Criteria
Proposals will be reviewed based on the selection criteria below.
- Relevance: The talk is relevant to the Go community. GoCon is not a general software conference, our audience wants to hear about topics that relate to the Go programming language.
- Clarity: You’ve clearly explained what you are going to talk about.
- Correctness: You’ve demonstrated knowledge of your topic. You don’t have to be an expert, but you are expected to be speaking from experience.
- Achievability: You’ve thought about how to present your material in the time available. Impact. The goal of the talk. What new idea, technique, tool, or information will the audience leave your presentation with?
Note: This clear selection criterion is based on GopherCon’s one. Thank you.
Advice for authors
You can fix your submission until the deadline after submitting. We recommend submitting early to receive early feedback from reviewers.
- Do not write about how great the Go anymore.
- Session for beginners is welcome.
- Please don’t criticize other languages or give excessive product descriptions. Please talk technical details.