CFP closed at | February 23, 2025 23:59 UTC |
(Local) |
Thank You for Your DevOpsDays Singapore Proposal! We’re truly grateful for the time and thought you’ve put into sharing your ideas with us. It’s contributions like yours that help make this event a valuable experience for our community.
In case you missed our call for papers featuring the theme “DevOps meets A.I.” You can submit fast paced ignites or workshops whether you want to present a concise 90-minute session or our immersive 3-hour deep dive delivery. Submission deadline March 23 Ignites & Workshops
Submit a maximum of 3 proposals. We’re looking for the following formats:
- 30min talks (full audience)
- 5min Ignite talks (20 slides, auto-forwarding, full audience)
- Workshops (hands-on sessions in a classroom setting, limited audience)
From startups to the big banks, Singapore is home to an awesome tech community. DevOpsDays Singapore will bring 400+ development, operations, security, and management professionals together to discuss the culture, processes, and tools to enable better organizations and innovative products.
CFP Description
on various topics related to the DevOps idea. This could be (but is not limited to):
- AI, AIOps
- Software Development
- Operations
- Software factory
- Information Security
- Platform engineering
- Developer Experience
- Experience Reports
- Monitoring/Observability
- IT Service Management
- DevOps at scale
- …oh, yes sure, also Kubernetes ;-)
Conference Theme
Our theme this year is the DevOps Meets AI: Transforming Engineering with Generative AI Tools. While the potential of GenAI is exciting, as DevOps practitioners we need to acknowledge several concerns that organizations must address. We need to understand how success is measured and what are the recommended metric for successful adoption. We’re interested how Enterprise small and large are adopting this new technology. The entire AI technology stack is changing on a month-to-month basis, making it challenging for enterprises accustomed to more stable, long-term technology investments.
- Be specific. We aren’t mind readers (a description of about 20 lines is about right)
- Detail is good, but not as important as explaining why your proposal would be interesting
- Multiple proposals are welcome. Just respect the other rules
Support If you have any questions about the CFP, please feel free to send an email to the organising team