Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI & ML) 2024

online May 30, 2024
Tags: Getting started, Tools, Deep dive, Lessons learned, Testing, Security, Culture, Ml, Ai

CFP closed at  April 29, 2024 12:52 UTC
  (Local) Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AI & ML) 2024

Do you love machine learning? Does your significant other know the names of all the big frameworks, despite having nothing to do with software? Have you built something seriously cool? A framework, a tool, a product? Come and share with others!

Join, to speak about:

  • new research in the AI & ML space
  • interesting papers, experiments, and demos
  • useful projects, frameworks, and tools
  • innovative applications of AI & ML
  • ML in games and AI arts
  • anything else worth spreading!

Come, and share with us your experience!

CFP Description

Quality over quantity

We’re looking for original, quality content. If you have something valuable to share, we want you to be a speaker with us!

Sales pitches

It’s OK to showcase your product, framework or a service. A sales pitch for your company will not get accepted, especially when reused.


We’re looking for speakers from all backgrounds and walks of life. If you’d like to speak, but need help/assistance, please reach out and we’ll do our best to help!

Be nice!

We will not publish any content that’s offensive. We’re all here to learn and have fun, please help us keep it like that!