CFP closed at | October 20, 2017 19:10 UTC |
(Local) |
Voxxed Days Bristol is part of the wider series of Voxxed tech events which organised by local community groups, with internationally renowned and local speakers converging at a range of locations around the world. Each event retains a unique regional flavour, whilst being part of the overall Voxxed movement. A spirit of openness, community, exceptional content and super-low priced tickets underpin the Voxxed Days philosophy.
We’re open to talk proposals about Cloud Infrastructure and Platforms (e.g. IaaS & PaaS), Big Data & Analytics, Java & JVM languages, Security, Continuous Delivery & Deployment, Microservices & Containers, Programming Methodologies, Functional Programming, Modern Web, Performance, Distributed Systems, whatever else developers like you will want to know about!
Voxxed Days Bristol 2018 will be the third iteration and we expect an audience in excess of 250 developer professionals from across the South West region.
CFP Description
The South West of England has a vibrant and innovative software developer community building some of the world’s most exciting cloud & data technologies and applications. Bristol is one of the South West regions technology hubs and as such is a perfect location for a Voxxed Days event. As part of a global community, we welcome speakers and delegates from across the world.
Voxxed Days is principally a technical engineering conference, so don’t be afraid to include code snippets / live demo’s / tales from the trenches in your submissions.
We attract delegates from a range of business types and sizes, private and public sectors, University students & researchers. It’s hard to pitch a talk to such a broad audience, so think of who your ideal audience member would be and focus on the message you want them to take away. Make this clear in your abstract or notes, it’ll make the Programme Group’s review task much easier if we can quickly place your talk.
Talks relevant to building cloud technologies and applications, data and analytics and/or using java/jvm languages are likely to be popular with the community. Your talk should focus on a theme (see the Tag cloud) and we’ll build the individual tracks based on accepted talks.