Supersonic Subatomic Apache Camel

By Zineb Bendhiba

Elevator Pitch

In this talk, we will discover how the joy of developing with Quarkus can be applied to Apache Camel. We will see how easy it is to develop and deploy supersonic integration connectors with Java that startup in just a few milliseconds.


In this talk, we will discover how the joy of developing with Quarkus can be applied to Apache Camel. We will see how easy it is to develop and deploy supersonic integration connectors with Java that startup in just a few milliseconds.

Apache Camel is an integration framework and the most active project of the Apache Software Foundation. With more than 350 different connectors, it is the best tool to create decoupled and easy to maintain software architectures.

The Camel Quarkus project, is the Apache Camel’s subproject that brings the integration capabilities of Apache Camel, and its components into the Quarkus ecosystem.


I’m an Apache Camel committer, who has been contributing mainly to the Camel quarkus project since september 2020, writing several Quarkus extensions for the project.

I had the chance to co-talk with María Arias de Reyna Dominguez and Rachel McGeever for an overview of Camel sub-projects, and I gave a first version of this talk. The link to the video is here. ( I speak for 22 minutes from 12:30 to 34:30, about Camel Quarkus, and do some live coding). The idea is to do a quick presentation of Apache Camel, then present Camel-Quarkus and do some kind of same live coding example, all in 30 minutes.