DetroitDevDay Conference

Troy, MI

CFP closed at  October 03, 2016 21:00 UTC

We just wanted to take a moment to discuss why we go to all the trouble of putting on DetroitDevDay (formerly known as 1DevDayDetroit). There’s an old story about a lumberjack trying to saw down a tree. His supervisor walks by and sees him huffing and puffing trying to cut down the tree. The supervisor says, “Hey, you know that would work a lot better if you sharpened your saw. It’s sort of dull.” The lumberjack replies, “I’d love to sharpen my saw but I’m too busy cutting down trees!” Credit to Jeff Atwood from whom I borrowed that story.

DetroitDevDay is a chance to sharpen your saw as a software developer. It’s a chance to take a day away from the daily work of creating code to hear about ways to build software that’s better, more reliable and generally something you can be proud to give to your customer.

CFP Description

We’re looking for technical talks. While talks about the SDLC and soft skills are certainly important and certainly have their place, this is not that place. If you’re a practicing software developer with interesting things you want to share with your colleagues this is the place to share them. Among topics we’re interested in hearing about are:

  • Architecture
  • Web
  • Back End
  • Desktop
  • UI & UX
  • Security
  • Cloud
  • Other Technical Topics

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